Health & Wellness at Kavod
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Health & Wellness Center, located on the top floor of our West Building (11 S. Adams St.), houses the CU Medicine Geriatric Clinic along with our health services, programs, and exercise/wellness classes. The Center serves both residents and outside visitors. It is a community hub for older adults in their quest to stay healthy, strong and active!
Services by Appointment Only
Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) Nail Clinic
Call 720.382.7838
1-on-1 Mental Health Counseling
Limited to Kavod residents. Call 720.382.7838
Call 720.382.7838
Call 720.382.7838
Dental Clinic
Call 720.382.7838
Call 720.382.7838
Optometry Services
Call 720.382.7838
Podiatry Clinic
Call 720.382.7838
Classes & Events
We welcome both residents and nonresidents to join a class – no need to sign up beforehand. Below are some of the popular offerings:
- Balance Mountain Program
- Blood pressure clinics
- Gentle Yoga
- Heart Healthy Kavod
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Tai Chi
- Gardening (for residents only*)
- Fresh produce distribution through Ekar Farm (for residents only)
Check the schedule (click here) and drop in!
For more information or questions, please call 720.382.7838.
*for information about the Garden Club
call 720.382.7838.