Don’t Worry, Be Happy – What Science Has to Say About Happiness

What is happiness? Some say it is just a feeling, one of the “ups” that come with the ups and downs of life. Others say it is something to be achieved, like an end point. Either way, it certainly could be said that everyone could benefit by having a little more happiness in his or her life!

Since one of Kavod Senior Life’s main goals is to encourage positive aging, happiness certainly seems like a quality that accompanies this goal. In doing some research to see how to encourage happiness among residents, Kavod stumbled upon Harvard’s Happiness Longevity Study. Although this research project was conducted with men only, the findings seem applicable to men and women. The results have implications and insights into living well and engaging in life more fully.

The Harvard Happiness Longevity Study (HHLS) is a groundbreaking research project that has been going on for over 75 years. It began in 1938, following the lives of 700+ men from the Harvard College graduating classes of 1939-1944. The study’s goal is to understand the factors that contribute to a happy and healthy life.

The results, while not completely surprising, are a good confirmation of happiness contributors.

One important finding, though, is that happiness is a major predictor of longevity. The men who reported being happier in their youth lived an average of two years longer than their less happy peers.

Additionally, the study found that strong relationships are key to happiness and longevity. Men who reported having strong relationships with friends and family were significantly more likely to live longer than those who reported having weaker relationships.

The study also found that regular exercise, healthy eating, and maintaining a healthy weight are important for both happiness and longevity. Men who reported engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight were more likely to report higher levels of happiness and to live longer

Another important factor that has been linked to both happiness and longevity is a sense of purpose. Men who reported having a sense of purpose in their lives were more likely to report being happy and to live longer.

The HHLS has also provided insight into the role of stress and coping mechanisms in happiness and longevity. Men who reported having high levels of stress in their lives were more likely to report lower levels of happiness and to have a shorter lifespan. On the other hand, men who reported having effective coping mechanisms for dealing with stress were more likely to report higher levels of happiness and to live longer.

The HHLS has concluded that happiness is a major predictor of longevity, and that strong relationships, regular exercise, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, having a sense of purpose, and effective coping mechanisms for stress are all important for both happiness and longevity.

Fortunately, for those who reside at Kavod Senior Life – both in our affordable housing apartments and assisted living homes – these positive happiness predictors are very present on our campus. Our Life Enrichment department provides classes, activities and trips that fosters mental stimulation and friendships. The Dining Department provides healthy meals and opportunities to socialize. Our Health and Wellness Department provides medical services through a partnership with CU Medicine and many other health promotion/preventative services on campus. Legacy Healthcare provides rehab and fitness services to encourage physical exercise and maintaining balance and fitness. Moreover, volunteer opportunities for residents help create a sense of purpose and meaning, as does ancillary engagement opportunities like gardening, music, or intergenerational connections.

It is refreshing to recognize that Kavod Senior Life’s services and support make happiness a primary value. These factors are key for Kavod to ensure our residents live a full and happy life, both now and in the future. To learn more about Kavod’s amenities, visit our Campus Life page here.

This blog was generated by ChatGPT and embellished by Kavod Senior Life.

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