It’s Never Too Late to LEARN!

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Do you ever wish you could go back to elementary, middle or high school? While you may cringe at the thought of going through those awkward social phases again, you may long to sit in those classes and learn the things you may not have appreciated back then.

The good news is that we can keep learning today. Learning later in life is not only possible but highly beneficial and increasingly recognized as essential for mental agility, personal growth, and overall well-being.

Here are some ways you can satisfy that longing to learn without going back to school, and how our Kavod Senior Life community offers lots of ways to keep learning.

  1. Hobbies and Interests: Pursue hobbies or interests you’ve always wanted to explore, or even stretch yourself to try something outside your comfort zone. Whether it’s gardening, acting, or working with your hands, learning something new can be deeply satisfying. Kavod offers all kinds of amazing classes and activities each month – fiber arts, writing, theater and much more. Click here for more information.
  2. Technology Skills: Improve your digital literacy by learning how to use computers, smartphones, social media, and other technology tools. Kavod’s Annual Conference in June offers a specific workshop all about technology, click here. If you missed it this year, stay tuned for 2025!
  3. Online Learning: You can learn almost anything on YouTube, whether it’s practical advise or theoretical discussions. These videos allow you to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. TEDX presenters also cover a wide range of topics. You can always access lots of online content at Kavod by checking out a tablet and using our Uniguest platform!
  4. Reading and Discussion Groups: Join a book club or discussion group. These groups provide intellectual stimulation and the opportunity to engage in thoughtful conversations. At Kavod, if a group doesn’t exist, residents are encouraged and supported to start their own! Bulletin boards allow residents to post “classifieds” for groups or hobbies others can join, such as chess, mah jong and more.
  5. Local Community Programs: Local libraries, community centers, and places of worship provide workshops, lectures, and other learning opportunities tailored to older adults. Kavod on the Road offers weekly programs that are mentally stimulating and engaging! Check out the schedule, click here.
  6. Formal Education: While we said you do not have to go back to school, you still can! Many universities and community colleges around Denver offer courses specifically designed for older adults, often at reduced rates or even free. Try OLLI or DU’s LifeLong Learning Institute.

Remember, if you feel daunted by trying something new, show yourself some grace. The benefits of trying far outweigh the initial fear of discomfort or failure. At Kavod, our staff is here to cheer you on and help you get involved as much as you wish. Contact someone from our Life Enrichment department and start learning today. Your brain will thank you for it.